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SPFOnline will be down for maintenance between 08:00 - 14:00 on Friday 31st January.

You can still report a death or make an enquiry in the Contact Us section above. 

Overseas pensioners

The content in the Pensioners area of our website is relevant to overseas pensioners.

We pay pensions to over 1000 pensioners who live outside the UK.

If you are an overseas pensioner, your pension will be processed in the normal way and be converted into the local currency, thus avoiding foreign exchange costs.

You can instruct us to pay your pension direct into an overseas account. Please contact us to request the relevant mandate.

SPFOnline cannot be used to notify us of a change of bank account to an overseas bank account. 

Life Certificates

If you live abroad we need you to complete a Life Certificate (PDF, 75 KB)(opens new window) each year.

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