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SPF Committee Meeting (11th September 2024)

2024 Annual Report Image







The agenda, reports and minutes of the latest meeting of the Strathclyde Pension Fund Committee are now available. 

The committee:

  • Received the provisional 2023/24 Annual Audit Report from EY. The report contained an unqualified audit opinion, and EY gave SPF a green RAG rating in each of the 7 audit areas - financial statements, going concern, financial sustainability, vision/leadership & governance, use of resources, and best value;
  • Approved the audited 2023/24 Annual Report for signature;
  • Approved one new investment from the SPF Direct Impact Portfolio - £60m in Quinbrook Impact Renewables Fund II, which will construct a portfolio of renewable energy generating assets, battery storage and grid support infrastructure;
  • Noted a report on SPF compliance with the Pensions Regulator's new General Code of Practice

As at 30th June 2024:

  • Total membership had increased to 287,500
  • Total asset value was £30.6 billion.

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