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Accessibility aim to make information about us and matters that affect the Local Government Pension Scheme accessible to as many people as possible.

To help to achieve that aim, we are pleased to suggest some possible ways forward for those wanting help in:

1. Adjusting their device's settings to view our website

2. Downloading information from our website or receiving it in different file formats

3. Accessing information in large font, on audio CDs or in Braille

4. Translating our information

5. Arranging a deaf webcam or sign language interpreter

These suggestions are designed to help you to quickly self-serve your own requirements.

Of course, if you need our help in any way with meeting your requirements, we will be happy to see what we can do for you: just contact us.

1. Adjusting your device's settings to view our website

Accessibility help - BBC

Ability Net

2. Downloading information from our website or receiving it in different file formats

If you would like us to send information to you in different file formats, just contact us.

Adobe Reader allows you access PDF documents. Adobe also has a free online conversion tool for PDFs.

Open Office is a free open-source application suite whose main components are for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, and databases.

3. Accessing information in large font, on audio CDs or in Braille

If you would like us to send information to you in Braille, large font or on audio CDs, just contact us.

4. Translating our information

Google Translate

Collins Dictionary

5. Arranging a deaf webcam or sign language interpreter

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