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Pension scams

Beware of fraudsters

Fraudsters are singling out people like you and claiming that they can:

• help you access your pension fund

• offer immediate access to cash

• provide a pension loan

Keep your pension safe

If you are cold-called or text messaged with a deal to unlock or review your pension, don't touch it.

Please read our scam smart (PDF) [129KB] leaflet for more information about the dangers of pension scams.

Visit the Pensions Regulator's website for more information at:

Combat Pension Scams

After a long process to make sure we can follow the principles, SPF has now signed the pension scams pledge to raise awareness of the risks, educate ourselves and protect our members.

See our pension scam pledge members leaflet (PDF, 16 KB) for more information.

Pension scam pledge image

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