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Increases to your pension

The pensions increase for 2025 is 1.7%

If your pension began after 23rd April 2024, you will not receive the full increase. The table below shows the percentage increase based on the date your pension started.



When will my pension increase?

The increase will be applied from 7th April 2025. As this is part way through the month you will receive a partial increase for the month and then the full increase will be applied in May.

You will receive a payslip in April and May to show the increase to your pension. Your P60 will also be issued in May.

Will I get the full increase?

You will only receive the full increase if:

  • You are over 55 or under 55 but retired on ill health (if under 55 and didn't retire on ill health your increase will be applied from your 55th birthday)
  • Your pension payments began on or before 24th April 2024

Why has my pension went down ?

If your pension has decreased this is likely due to a change in your personal tax code. SPF will be unable to assist you with any tax queries and suggest that you contact HMRC at 0300 200 3300

Previous pension increases

The pensions increase for 2024 was 6.7%

The pensions increase for 2023 was 10.1%

The pensions increase for 2022 was 3.1%

The pensions increase for 2021 was 0.5%

The pension increase for 2020 was 1.7%.

The pension increase for 2019 was 2.4%.

The pension increase for 2018 was 3.0%.

The pension increase for 2017 was 1%.

There was no increase to pensions in April 2016, as the Consumer Prices Index for the 12 months to September 2015 fell by 0.1%LGPS pensions did not go down from April 2016 despite the UK being in deflation.

The pension increase for 2015 was 1.2%

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