The Process
Step 1 - Consider the retirement options for your employee/Councillor members
At the outset you should check the eligibility of your employee by:
- Ensuring your organisation's policy statement allows the retirement
- Confirming that the LGPS regulations permit the retirement
When you meet with your employee:
- Ask if they are working in any other local government jobs
- Discuss their retirement options (redundancy / efficiency, early retirement, flexible retirement, etc)
- Agree a retirement date (this should be at least 3 months away to allow us time to process the retirement)
Compensatory added years (CAY) / awarding additional pension
Employers can award CAY in line with their published policy.
If you want to award additional pension use the APC calculator to generate the forms. The maximum additional pension an employer can award is £5444.00
Augmentation is no longer available.
Step 2 - Obtain retirement calculations using the following flow chart

Employer requests should be uploaded via the i-Connect document upload function alternatively they can be emailed to with the subject Request for Retirement Calculations. The calculation request forms can be found here.
Bulk Retirement Requests
If you require bulk calculations for 10 or more employee's for the same type of retirement and date please use the Bulk Request (Excel doc, 25 KB) These should be emailed to the Compliance team.
AVC/S20's will not be included in any figures provided. Upon review of the strain costs, and if it's decided that an offer will be made to someone with an AVC or S20 then contact Compliance Team and arrangements will be made for calculations to be provided with the AVC/S20 included. This is to prevent significant numbers of calculations being processed individually that may not actually be required. AVC's do not affect strain costs.
Step 3 - Agree if the retirement is going ahead
If so, discuss the various retirement options with your employee including commutation of pension to lump sum.
If your employee is paying AVCs, you may also like to make them aware that:
- We will need to wait on the closing value of their AVC before we can process their benefits
- If their last AVC payment will be after their retirement date, the closing value of their AVC will not be known until after their last AVC payment has reached their AVC provider
Step 4 - Provide us with the appropriate retirement forms
If you want us to process a retirement for an employee, provide us with the relevant retirement forms.
These should be uploaded via the i-Connect document upload function alternatively they can be emailed to with the subject Actual Retirement.