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Forms should be uploaded via iConnect document upload. Alternatively they can be sent to  

S5/S10 (Word doc, 81 KB) Mar 24 Retirement
S8 (Word doc, 86 KB) Mar 24 Notification of death
S9  (Word doc, 86 KB)Mar 24 Retirement: ill-health retirement (needs an S18, below, with it)
S18 (Word doc, 47 KB) Jan 24 Certificate of permanent ill-health (needs an S9, above, with it) Ill Health Guidance (PDF, 146 KB)  Jan 22 ill health retirement guidance developed in line with SPPA
S12 (Word doc, 47 KB) Mar 24 Retirement: redundancy or efficiency retirement Note: please refer to our final pay calculator (Excel doc, 16 KB)
S20 (Word doc, 36 KB) April 19 Certificate of protection (pensionable pay restrictions / reductions). Appendix 2 of the HR Guide in LGPS Guidance for Payroll / HR practitioners explains how certificates of protection work.

Employer consent to early payment of deferred benefits (Word doc, 26 KB) Jul 18 

Events application (PDF, 112 KB) Form to request employer training or SPFO support at an employer event

HMRC (PDF, 252 KB) Apr 24 this form is used to supply HMRC with the information they need to be told when someone is retiring

Request for retirement calculations (Word doc, 51 KB) Mar 24  Supplementary S20 information (Word doc, 39 KB) April 19

TCOMP (Word doc, 35 KB) May 18 Form for payment of teachers pensions

Variable hours form (Word doc, 28 KB) Dec 20

Pay Award Recalculation Spreadsheet (Excel doc, 18 KB) Nov 24 

When completing the pay award spreadsheet please see points below:

  • Complete the spreadsheet for any affected members
  • Ideally wait until you have a few recorded rather than sending in individual spreadsheets for each person
  • Do not complete/forward the spreadsheet to our office until the 2024 Pay Award has been fully implemented for that particular employee

Councillors forms

Supplementary pay form for Councillors (Word doc, 32 KB) May 18 for use with one of our other forms when a Councillor leaves, retires or dies

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