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Employee contribution rates

Employers are responsible for setting a contribution rate for each employee in line with the guidance on setting tiered contributions (PDF, 303 KB)

Please also see the following:

2024-25 Contribution Table (Excel doc, 13 KB)

LGPS 2024-25 Contribution Rates Circular (PDF, 119 KB)

Employer contribution rates

Employer contribution rates are set by the fund actuary and are available from our actuarial valuation reports.

Paying us employee and employer contributions

You must remit contributions to us monthly by the 19th of the month following deduction.

You must remit Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) to Prudential by the 19th of the month following deduction.

This technical bulletin (PDF, 249 KB) tells you how to do this.

Monthly payments must be accompanied by our proforma detailing the employee, employer and (if applicable) added years/ARCs/APCs/50:50 contributions for the period.

Contribution remittance documents should be sent to



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