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Ill health retirements

As an ill health retirement can have a significant impact on an employer's contribution rate, you can take out ill health liability insurance (PDF, 246 KB) As premiums are deducted from your contributions, it can be taken out at no cost.

Step 1 - Identify if an ill health retirement is possible

An ill health retirement requires:

  • The employee to have 2 years LGPS membership
  • The employer to decide that the employee is permanently unable to perform the duties of their job due to ill health and is not immediately capable of undertaking gainful employment

Step 2 - Ask us for information about the benefits

Provide us with:

  • Request for retirement calculations
  • Supplementary S20 form if applicable 

These should be uploaded via the i-Connect document upload function alternatively they can be emailed to with the subject Request for Ill Health Retirement Calculations.

Step 3 - Contact Occupational Health 

Our S18 form is used by medical practitioners on our approved list to determine if an employee qualifies for an ill health retirement. If they do, their benefits can be enhanced by:

  • 100% of their potential membership to Normal Pension Age known as Tier 1 ill health retirement
  • 25% of their potential membership to Normal Pension Age known as Tier 2 ill health retirement

This is dependant on whether the employee is likely to be capable of obtaining gainful employment again. 

No enhancement to actual membership is granted if the employee has previously received a tier 1 enhancement or an enhancement under LGPS regulations prior to 1 April 2009.

Step 4 - Explain what benefits the employee would receive 

Pass on the relevant Tier 1 or 2 calculation and discuss with your employee. 

If your employee is paying AVCs, you may also like to make them aware that:

  • We will need to wait on the closing value of their AVC before we can process their benefits
  • If their last AVC payment will be after their retirement date, the closing value of their AVC will not be known until after their last AVC payment has reached their AVC provider

Step 5 - Instruct us to process the ill health retirement 

If you want us to process the ill health retirement for an employee, provide us with the relevant retirement forms.

When selecting a retirement date we appreciate prior notice is not always possible. Therefore, please manage employee expectations to allow SPF time to process the retirement.

These should be uploaded via the i-Connect document upload function alternatively they can be emailed to with the subject Actual Ill Health Retirement.

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