SPF is a signatory to the UK Stewardship Code and has published its UK Stewardship Code Report (PDF, 6 MB).
The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) UK Stewardship Code is recognised as an effective standard for asset owners and asset managers to comply with and demonstrate best practice in discharging their stewardship responsibilities.
The Code is based on the belief that asset owners and asset managers cannot delegate their responsibility and are accountable for effective stewardship. Signatories are expected to use the resources, rights and influence available to them to exercise stewardship, no matter how capital is invested.
The Code requires signatories to comply with 12 Principles and disclose on their actions and outcomes against these each year. The FRC evaluates the Reports against an assessment framework and those meeting the reporting expectations are listed as signatories to the Code.
Strathclyde is one of only 23 asset owner signatories and currently the only Scottish public sector asset owner signatory. Seven of the Fund's investment managers and consultants Hymans Robertson and Sustainalytics also signatories.
The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) publishes the full list of successful signatories to the UK Stewardship Code on its website.