SPF believes that Climate Change is a systemic risk and thus, a material long-term financial risk for any investor that must meet long-term obligations.
Strathclyde Pension Fund's Climate Change strategy has the explicit objective of implementing an investment strategy that is consistent with achieving the goal of global net-zero emissions by 2050.
SPF has a target of net-zero emissions across its own portfolios by 2050.
SPF's Climate Action Plan (PDF, 10 MB) sets out, at a high level the most immediate priorities for SPF to ensure that Climate Change is addressed across all investments and portfolios so that SPF achieves and maintains progress towards its Net Zero objective and target.
SPF Climate Change Strategy 2021 (PDF, 163 KB)
Investor Coalitions
We are an active member of key investor coalitions fighting climate change.

The TCFD recommendations call for asset owners to disclose a weighted average carbon footprint. In 2020 the Fund's weighted average listed equity footprint was 146.2 tCO2e/£ revenue. This was 23.6% lower than in 2018 and 5.0% lower than that of the MSCI All Country World Index.