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Death Benefits

Benefits payable on death depend on when the member left the scheme. The following table gives information about death grants and who could get a survivor's pension.

The actual calculation of a survivor's pension depends on multiple factors. In general terms up to 31 March 2008 a spouse's pension would be around half of the members and after that it would be 1/160 of the membership times final pay. The relevant regulations detail the calculations see link in table above in "about the scheme".


Death grant regulations

Regulations LGPS(S)

Death Grant payable if death in deferment

Death Grant payable if death of a pensioner

Death Grant payable if death in service

Survivor's pensions payable


Left scheme before 01/04/1998

See regulation E11

See regulation E11


Widows and children's pensions payable only


Left scheme between 01/04/1998 & 31/03/2009

Equivalent to the lump sum that would have been payable if not for death

5 times the annual pension in payment less any pension paid out.


Widows, widowers based on post 5/4/78 membership (plus any pre 6/4/78 bought back), children's pensions. From 5/12/2005, civil partners based on post 5/4/78 membership (plus any pre 6/4/88 bought back


Left scheme between 01/04/2009 & 31/03/2015

5 times the retirement pension that would have been paid if not for death

10 times the annual pension in payment less any pension paid out.


Widows, widowers, children's. Civil partners based on post 5/4/88 membership (plus any pre 6/4/88 bought back). Co-habiting partner's pensions based on post 5/4/88 membership (plus any pre 6/4/88 bought back)


Left scheme after 31/3/2015

5 times the retirement pension that would have been paid if not for death

10 times the pre commutation pension less any commuted lump sum and any pension paid to the member.

3 times actual annual pay based on average of last 3 months pay uprated to 12 months.

Widows, widowers, children's. Civil partners based on post 5/4/78 membership (plus any pre 6/4/78 bought back). Co-habiting partner's pensions based on post 5/4/88 membership (plus any pre 6/4/88 bought back)


Left scheme after 31/3/2015

5 times the retirement pension that would have been paid if not for death10 times the pre commutation pension less any commuted lump sum and any pension paid to the member.3 times actual annual pay based on average of last 3 months pay uprated to 12 months.Widows, widowers, children's. Civil partners based on post 5/4/78 membership (plus any pre 6/4/78 bought back). Co-habiting partner's pensions based on post 5/4/88 membership (plus any pre 6/4/88 bought back)

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