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Use the benefit projector

Step 1

You can run a projection by going to 'Your Benefits>Benefit Projectors from the dashboard.

It is worth noting that at the moment Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC) will not be included in any of the calculations.  

Benefit projector step 1


Step 2

Select the type of calculation you'd like to run. i.e. Retirement

Benefit projector step 2


Step 3

For contributing members, the projector will default to your Normal Pension Age at which point there will be no reductions to your benefits.  

  • Change the date to your preferred retirement date
  • Select calculate

Benefit projector step 3

Points to note:

CARE pay can be overwritten and should be the current actual pay when doing projections. This can sometimes be over inflated, more information on why can be found here.

The Full Time Equivalent pay should be your full time annual salary. 

Step 4 

Review the pension and lump sum benefits shown. You can also use the sliding scale to review the conversion options available. 

Benefit projector step 4



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