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Create an account


Who can sign up?

SPFOnline is available to people who are paying into the scheme, no longer paying into the pension scheme, pensioner and Councillor members.

Do we already have an email address for you?

If you already have an email address stored in our pension administration system, the email you input must match that.

Your email address must be between 6 and 30 characters and start with an alphabetical character.

Your email address must be unique to you for security reasons.

Register for an account

Visit the SPFOnline sign up area and enter your NI number (using capitals for all letter characters), date of birth, email and surname.

If we do not hold your Surname, NI number or date of birth correctly on our system, the following error message will appear:

"Details provided could not be verified. Please check your inputs and try again or contact your pensions administrator for support."

Receiving your activation key

For security reasons we will send your activation key by post, not email. Please allow a couple of weeks for it to arrive and use it as soon as possible, as it is only valid for 30 days from when we generated it.

Further information

If you have more than one pension record, you only need to sign up once.

By signing up for SPFOnline you are accepting its TermsPrivacy notice and Cookie Policy.

Activating your SPFOnline account

Activating your account

Visit SPFOnline's Activate area and enter your NI number (using capitals for all letter characters), date of birth, activation key and surname.

Password Requirements

Our password requirements are that a password:

  • Must contain at least one lower case, one uppercase, one numeric value and a special character such as @, !, $, #, or %
  • Must not contain spaces
  • Must be between 8-12 characters in length


Logging in

If you have activated SPFOnline and have a password, you can log into SPFOnline.

If you enter an invalid password or security response on three consecutive occasions, your access to SPFOnline will be disabled. You can select the forgotten password/disabled account? option on the login page to reset your account password.

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